Beauty Effulgent

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Buffyverse Fan Fiction Sites

Buffyverse Fan Fiction Sites

Adds Mystery - Fan Fiction by Wesleysgirl

Almighty GAH! - Fan Fiction by Kita

All About Spike - Spike Fan Fiction Archive

Better Buffy Fan Fiction - Buffyverse Fan Fiction Archive

Better Buffy Slash - Slash Fan Fiction Archive

Biteable - Fan Fiction by Jackson Rayne

Bittersweet Symphony - Fan Fiction by Southernbangel

Brushstrokes - Fan Fiction by Liz Marcus

BtVS Slash - Slash Fan Fiction Archive

Consumate Love - Fan Fiction by Maren

Deepest Darkest Desires - Fan Fiction by Edibbea & Yindagger

Eternally Yours - Spike/Xander Fan Fiction Archive

Excessant - Fan Fiction by Lazuli

The Glass Onion - Multiple Fandom Archive

I Need a Parrot - Xander Fan Fiction Archive

I'll Be Your Mirror - Fan Fiction by AmyB

Insane in the Basement - Humor Fan Fiction Archive

The Island - Slash Fan Fiction Archive

Jane's Stories - Fan Fiction by Jane Davitt

Just Between Us - Fan Fiction by EntreNous

Just Rewards - Fang Fetish Awards Archive

Mouse!Verse - Fan Fiction by Reremouse

Mystic Muse - Buffyverse Fan Fiction Archive

Narrow Streets - Fan Fiction by Kyra

Near Her Always - Willow Fan Fiction Archive

Night Never Ending - Fan Fiction by Lynne

No One Knows - Giles/Xander Fan Fiction Arhive

Not Exactly Blood & Roses - Fan Fiction by Romany

Nothing Like the Sun - Fan Fiction by Kimberly A

Octaves of the Heart - Fan Fiction by Chrisleeoctaves

Only Words - Fan Fiction by Estepheia

Pointy Stakes - Fan Fiction by Mad Poetess

Scarecrow Horses - Fan Fiction by Tabaqui

The Seduction of Spike - Fan Fiction by Spikedluv

Shadows and Dust Archive - Buffyverse Award Site Archive

Sidelines - Fan Fiction by Anna S

Slashing the Angel - Angel Fan Fiction Archive

Sliver of Ice - Fan Fiction by Vicious Wishes

Solace - Faith Fan Fiction Archive

The Spander Files - Spike/Xander Fan Fiction Archive

Sword and Stake - Fan Fiction by Spikendru

Stultiloquentia - Fan Fiction by Stultiloquentia

Subtle Salvation - Fan Fiction by Ladycat

Sublime - Buffy/Angel Fan Fiction Archive

Tales from the Attic - S/X Fan Fiction archive for Excessant

Tales from the Hellmouth - Fan Fiction by Spurglie

Unconventional Shippers Archive - Buffyerse Fan Fiction Archive

Wackiness Ensues - Fan Fiction by Rubywisp

Writercon Archive - Fan Fiction by Writercon Attendees

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series are the intellectual property of FOX, Mutant Enemy, and Joss Whedon. Fan fiction on this site is written for fun, NOT FOR PROFIT. No copyright infringement is intended.